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Sexual Intercourse Shouldn't Hurt: How All-Natural MonaLisa Touch Can Help

Sexual Intercourse Shouldn't Hurt: How All-Natural MonaLisa Touch Can Help

Many things can interfere with a woman’s sexual health, with menopause and childbirth leading the charge. But more alarming is the fact that even though up to a third of menopausal and postmenopausal women experience vaginal dryness, few report the problem to their doctors.

Our goal at Prestige Healthcare OBGYN in Atlanta, GA, is to create open dialogues with any patient who may be struggling with her sexual health. 

Board-Certified OB/GYNs Charis Trench-Simmons, MD, and Lorenza Simmons, M, help patients find solutions to end painful or uncomfortable sex due to poor vaginal health. Among their most recommended remedies is drug and surgery-free MonaLisa Touch®. MonaLisa Touch is a laser treatment that restores vaginal health, enabling women to reclaim a satisfying sex life. 

Here’s a look at how the MonaLisa Touch can help you take charge of your sexual health.

The road to poor vaginal health

Many factors can lead to poor vaginal health, making sex very uncomfortable. At the top of the list is menopause, that inevitable period when women transition out of their reproductive years. At the heart of this transition is the sudden decrease in your estrogen hormones, which not only control the release of your eggs but also the health of your vaginal tissue.

With the drop in estrogen, your vaginal tissue doesn’t have the resources it once had and can become thin and dry.

Another major cause of declining sexual health is childbirth. When you have children, your vaginal tissue undergoes some severe stresses, and it may not recover to previous levels of health.

Rounding out the list of suspects are specific treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation, which can wreak havoc on the health of your vaginal tissue.

MonaLisa Touch to the rescue

Our MonaLisa Touch system is a noninvasive treatment that relies on gentle CO2 fractional laser energy to stimulate your vaginal tissue. Without harming the surface area, this energy is absorbed by your tissue, which leads to new collagen production.

As the primary protein responsible for the elasticity and tone in your tissue, collagen is critical for restoring health to your tissue. With renewed collagen, your tissue strengthens, and your circulation may improve. Furthermore, the MonaLisa Touch stimulates your mucosa, which helps with vaginal dryness.

The MonaLisa Touch timeline

Most of our patients benefit from a series of three MonaLisa Touch treatments spaced 40-60 days apart to allow their bodies to respond. The treatments last only minutes, so you can get on with your day.

You may experience some mild discomfort afterward, but this is usually short-lived. You should also refrain from sexual intercourse for a few days after each MonaLisa Touch treatment.

As you progress through your treatments, your vaginal tissue will regain its former strength and health, allowing you to enjoy a happy and active sex life again.

Don’t suffer poor sexual health in silence. Book an appointment online or over the phone to explore how our MonaLisa Touch system can help you.

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